Visions for a New Year

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Happy New Year to all our clients and well-wishers and everyone reading this blog. While the beginning of a new year brings joy, hope and a renewed sense of determination, people can also feel pressured to come up with resolutions and start the year with a big transition. 

If you're feeling this way, remember that January is just an arbitrary day assigned to be the start of a year. In fact, many other cultures have different days for their new year! The Lunar calendar this year starts on February 12, and many countries in South East Asia (Bangladesh, Thailand, parts of India) celebrate their new year between April 12 -14. The truth is that if you wish to make a change in your life, any day is just as good as January 1st. You don't have to abide by a certain day or time to begin again (this thought can also help to reset our mood on a bad day).

Not only can you start any day, remember that real change is hard and takes time. Change is not simply brought by new year's resolutions - it requires continued conversation and introspection with yourself to understand what you truly want from your life. Only then can you start to set reasonable goals and small steps towards that vision, continually adjusting for the many curve balls that life throws your way.

Real change is hard and takes time.

So if you haven't written your resolutions yet - don't worry. Instead, take a moment to think about your vision for 2021. What do you want your new year to be like? What will make you happy? What do you want to do with your time? Spend time with yourself thinking and journaling about these questions, and your steps forward will become clearer. Self-compassion is also vital for growth, so as you are going down this journey, remember to be kind to yourself when you stumble. Growth is hard and it is normal to falter at times. You can always start anew the next day.

And if this doesn't reassure you - remember there's still two other new years coming up in February and April. So you have plenty of time for those resolutions!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Here's to the pandemic being over in 2021, and a brighter, happier and peaceful new year. If you want additional guidance, don't hesitate to contact us via our social media or send us an email at We'd love to work with you to empower your life!


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